Monday, January 30, 2012

EDSS 541 RR#2

Reading Response #2
                Activity 7.1
The thematic group that I will have the pleasure to be working with will consist of mathematics, biology, physical education and social science. Although we remain in the earliest of stages when considering planning, our primary focus to guide this unit will be the combination of the California State Standards for each to the respective content areas in addition to available on-line informative sites and student interests.
            The brainstorming was more of a group effort on how to create a theme some of the ideas thrown about included but was not limited to the linking of our somewhat varied content areas.
That lists contained:

·        Find a way to link math/biology with social science
·        Involving physical education into the unit
·        Looking into the nutritional aspects of PE
·        Allowing social science to view “The History of…..”
·        Hoping the math and bio areas could align
·        Figuring out how the service project would pan out

The ongoing understanding of our thematic unit will involve a river, oceans and or lakes “field trip” where tests on water quality etc will be administered and recorded. Bio and math will focus on the testing and recording, PE will have the students walk, run, jog to the testing area and social science will compare such article that include industrialization.

Activity 7.2
My thematic unit team will be meeting later in the week, I believe tomorrow, in order to really hash out some of the major details such as essential questions, specific education standards, and other collaborative efforts. Prior to doing so, my essential questions will be similar to:
1.      What is the current “health” of this area?
2.      What impact have humans had on the environment?
3.      How can we change to foreseeable negative outcome?

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