Today I once again truly appreciate my Hootsuite app on my home computer. The topic for today's #edchat discussion was the Common Core standards and teacher creativity. There was a lot to be learned from many different instructors/thinkers/visionaries on this topic. If you asked me prior to this observation I would have assumed there would be a simple split between the pros and the cons based on allowed teacher creativity and flexibility. There was some very good arguments that supported the CC and teacher creativity in the same perspective. To be honest I am not quite sure how I feel after taking part in the discussion.
To describe my experience, I felt like a very small voice in a very crowded room. Not to say that i was being ignored but more so the stream of multiple conversations was so vast i was not even sure anyone noticed my comments. Once I would respond to a statement or ask a question, there would be 30+ new messages on the thread (saved thanks to Hootsuite). I do believe that i was able to make genuine connections and contributions to the greater whole and as with other topics, walked away following, and being followed by, more great minds.
It is an interesting feeling knowing how many more people know so much more than you do. It is akin to being a small fish in a giant pond, however, in this pond everyone in vegan. There is so much to learn and so many practices to try out but as a new teacher it would be weird (possibly naive) not to feel this way.
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